1. Customize your squeeze page headline. Your headline is the single most effective way to build your list fast. A headline is designed to get your mailing list visitors attention and keep them reading the rest of your page. A good headline will have a sales pitch feel to it. This doesn't mean you should make something up. An example of a great headline would be, "Discover the Secrets to Doubling Your Tomato Harvest".
This headline gets your visitors attention right off the bat. 2. Test different bullet points. Once you have a great headline in place, you are going to create some bullet points that explain what your visitors will receive. Make sure these are benefit mailing list oriented and do not include features. People want benefits not features. As far as how many bullet points you should have, I would suggest no more than five.
This is because you want your visitor to subscribe to your list, not hit the back button. 3. Offer a free giveaway product. Now that mailing list you optimized your squeeze page and have a great headline along with some compelling bullet points, it's now time to offer something in exchange for their information. Your giveaway product could be an e-book.